
  • Credit Bureau Reporting

    Credit bureau reporting is an integral part of our client’s credit bureau membership. MaxDecisions has been certified by CDIA to extract and handle highly sensitive information from relevant databases and loan management systems and, in turn, report handling in a completely secure way.

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  • Identity Fraud

    Proof of life is here to stay and there are new technology and strategies to help you differentiate bots vs a real prospect thats looking for your product and services. MaxDecisions can deliver a real time, interactive KYC/KYB tool for your small business and consumer facing credit business.

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  • Credit Risk Modelling

    Credit risk can no longer be controlled with a few simple rules. Our machine learning algorithm delivered through our decision engine can mine through thousands of variables in real time to provide a 360 degree view of your prospects and customers.

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  • Risk Management

    We specialize in identity fraud risk and credit risk. Identity fraud easily consists of 15% of total charge off. MaxDecisions implement the latest identity KYC/KYB technology and algorithms to help you to reduce fraud.

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  • Marketing

    With data, technology and machine learning algorithms, we reduce cost per acquisition, increase your response rate. Whether you are buying internet leads or delivering pre-screened direct mail, we have the latest technology to help you to increase your market penetration.

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