Plano, TX (Sep 24th, 2018) – For Immediate Release – MaxDecicisons Inc., is a leader in analytics and predictive modelling and performance marketing, today announced its partnership with American Fait Credit Council to support, advance and expand the debt settlement industry. Under the industry Alliance program, MaxDecisions, Inc. is positioned to better support other members of AFCC to design high performance and compliant marketing strategies to ensure all Americans in need of debt relief to onto a healthier and manageable financial life.
“I am excited about leveraging our capabilities to help members of AFCC to better understand customers needs. Utilizing our high-end analytics capability, we have been helping other members to reduce marketing spend and increase their targeting capabilities..” said Timothy Li, CEO of MaxDecisions, Inc.
American has reached just reached a $1.3 trillion dollar revolving debt as of July 2018. With certain segments of the credit spectrum seeing a high default trend, consumers will be looking for help to alleviate and resolve their debt obligations. The debt settlement and debt relief industry is a necessary part of the credit ecosystem to help lenders, creditors, consumers to come to a win-win situation.

As an AFCC Member, we are committed to the AFCC code of conduct. Membership in The American Fair Credit Council demonstrates that your company is committed to the highest standards of ethics and operational standards as a credit advocate on behalf of your clients. Once your membership is approved in the Association, you will be able to display the Member Seal on your website and all marketing collateral, demonstrating your membership status. Additionally, Members receive special discounts for conferences hosted by the AFCC and special group pricing from Industry Alliance Member companies who may extend special offers only available to AFCC Members. Membership in the American Fair Credit Council means your company agrees to meet the strict standards outlined AFCC’s Code of Conduct, and that you agree to meet or exceed all enforcement guidelines mandated by the Federal Trade Commission as it relates to debt adjustment services or debt settlement services.
MaxDecisions Inc. recently unveiled its 5th generation debt settlement response and conversion model and it’s poised to help the debt settlement industry to target customers with ever more focused accuracy. For more information on the next generation of debt settlement response and conversion model, please visit:
MaxDecisions’s AFCC Membership can be found at:
About American Fair Credit Council:
The American Fair Credit Council (AFCC) is the leading association of professional Consumer Credit Advocates. The AFCC, and its member companies, work to represent the rights of consumers struggling with the overwhelming burden of debt. The AFCC has developed a strict Code of Conduct centered on best practices designed to protect the rights of consumers and require member companies to follow strict regulatory guidelines for operation. All AFCC members operate on a “No Advanced Fee Model” and never charge a fee for services until a consumer’s debt has been successfully negotiated.
About MaxDecisions, Inc.
MaxDecisions Inc. is a leader in analytics, predictive modeling and scoring technology. Founded in 2016, the company has experience measured growth with the support of customers in the field of Retail Marketing, Lending, Insurance in addition to key distribution channels in the US and Internationally. MaxDecisions™ strives to be the most trusted analytical firm. Please visit us at
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